Personality, identity styles, and authoritarianism: An integrative study among late adolescents

Bart Duriez & Bart Soenens

The relations between five personality factors, three identity styles, the prejudice dispositions of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO), and racial prejudice were investigated in a Flemish-Belgian late adolescent sample (N = 328). Results show that Openness to Experience and Agreeableness relate to racial prejudice but that these relations were fully mediated by RWA and SDO. In addition, results show that whereas RWA relates to Conscientiousness and lack of Openness to Experience, SDO relates to lack of Agreeableness and lack of Openness to Experience. The relation between Conscientiousness and RWA and between Openness to Experience and SDO was fully mediated by the identity styles. However, Openness to Experience had a direct influence on RWA and Agreeableness had a direct influence on SDO. The implications of these findings are discussed.

Duriez, B., & Soenens, B. (2006). Personality, identity styles, and authoritarianism: An integrative study among late adolescents. European Journal of Personality, 20, 397-417.
